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I am a wife, a mother of 3 amazing children but most importantly I am full throttle God worshipper.  If you ask me what I’m passionate about I would say without hesitation it is to see the Body of Christ worship in spirit and in truth and for ALL people to experience the life altering presence of God.  Singing since I was four years old, I have always been drawn to music, especially the music of the church. 


For most of my younger life I sang in choirs and groups however it wasn’t until my sophomore year in college at East Carolina University where I was exposed to Praise & Worship and the fire was lit.  Not only to lead worship but to mentor, coach, and provide training and support to worship ministries at various stages of development.  


I have had the privilege of serving in music ministry at both the local church level and through La-Shawn Nieves Ministries for over 20 years, providing training, seminars, workshops and one on one consulting in the areas of team and leadership development as it relates to worship ministries, mentoring and training for worship leaders etc.  I have served as Worship Director for churches with congregations ranging from 80 to 8000.